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22-Jun-2001 08:27 PM
  advice needed!
I am new here and after being here couple of minutes, I have realised that I should have been here long before.

I have been studying here for 5 years. Academically I was not doing good. Unfortunately I did horrible on my last semester and got academically disqualified from the college. The college informed me that they would not let me readmit in one year. The college got so tired of me that they even did not tell me that there were forms for reinstatement and readmission. In the mean time, my I-20 has expired also. After one year, I have applied for readmission and the college have denied it as my GPA (1.95) is to low (GPA for transfer students needed 2.5). So at this moment I have three courses left for my graduation with no admission, and to raise my GPA from 1.95 to 2.5 will needs lots of courses to take which is not financial feasible for me at this moment.

What are my options here?

Should I try to transfer to some other smaller schools as non-international student to finish my degree and then find a job that may sponsor me?

Although my dept have denied me readmission, I may be able to get admission to some other department. Some kind of admission is helpful if I want to transfer to another college.

Should I try some other way to get sponsor and use the extention for LIFE 245(i) to adjust my status?

What is the chance of me getting a reinstatement of status? Doing poor academically will never help me in my application I know. So I guess I have zero possibility on that.

I have no idea what to do. I was very much optimistic about getting readmission to my college as i have only three courses left for graduation, however, I have to look for alternatives now as I could not get admitted again.

Thank you for your reply.

23-Jun-2001 03:37 AM
 Re: advice needed!
You may want to consider going home for a year or two, taking some classes there, and then re-applying to the school with a hopefully higher g.p.a.

Any transfer to another school will set you back a few years, but then this whole situation has really been a big setback. Getting some good grades back home may help your case, though it looks like you'll really have to dig your way out of this situation over time.

23-Jun-2001 03:44 PM
 Re: advice needed!
Thank you for your reply. We (me, my family, friends) thought of that option too. Also, we thought about finishing BS there and then apply for MS to USA again. That was the first option we came up with, however, as my I-20 was not valid and and I overstayed (still overstaying), one person reminded me of the 3-10 year bar for entering USA. That was one reason that made me to decide not go home.

Some schools take 90 (semester) hours I have heard. That leaves me with the option to go for 30 more credits to finish a degree if admission is granted.

Any other idea beside Jack's?

23-Jun-2001 06:33 PM
 Re: advice needed!
The 3/10 bar only takes effect if INS has made a ruling that you are out of status (i.e., if INS has rejected your application for reinstatement), and you then overstay by 180 or 360 days. It would also effect B-2 tourists who overstay the expiration date on their I-94 by the respective periods of time.

As an F-1 student with an expired I-20, you would be out-of-status, but unless INS has made some ruling about that, then "the clock" on your overstay time has not started.

That's how I understand it, anyway.

24-Jun-2001 04:21 PM
 Re: advice needed!
That is interesting. I did not know of that little thing. Thank you for your reply.

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