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16-May-2001 02:24 AM
  need urgent advice!!
I came to the US in 1998 under F1 student visa to study at the university of virginia along with my sister. During my second semester of my first yr, my father was unable to continue paying my fees. The school allowed us to finish our spring semester after we begged and promised our parents would come up with the money. We were unable to produce this sum of about 25, and now we owe the school this amount and more since it was sent to the collection agency. We cannot transfer because our transcripts are being withheld.
I need major advice here!!!I have been working illegally with my social # for a year and a half now to support myself. I WANT to go back to schoool. That is my major goal and i also want to be in status (legal basically) because my visa expired august 2000 and i am still here. Can i enroll at community college.I've been told to marry an american citizen, will that help, will it be quick, will i encounter any obstacles, will it prevent me from getting deported?I also wanted to go to candad for schooling and start all over as a freshman,but have been told i will not get a visa because of my status here.Please, someone, i need some advice, any advice, please. I await a response(s) ASAP.God bless!

16-May-2001 06:02 AM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
First of all you lost your status, you have to file for reinstatement to INS and explain why you were not attending school, but in your case you were working illegally and INS will decline your reinstatement. You were supposed to file for working permit when you had trouble with money and INS usually gives working permit. How did you work illegally? did the place where you work did not care about your status or they thought that if you have social security number-you can work? When you file to INS for reinstatement, INS might check or usually check your social security and if you worked and paid all your taxes, than they will be able to see that you worked and money were going to your social security.
Another way to be in status: you can leave and return to USA with new visa, so you have to go back to your country and apply for visa. you are taking chances either way.
There is no way for you to transfer to any college, you have to pay your past due balance at school first, but if you are thinking to go to Canada and start all over again, it might work, but do not mention that you studied in USA.
You mention that somebody told you if you get married with US citizen than all your problems are solved, yes it should be solved regarding your status, but it better be not a fake marriage.
You said your visa expired in August 2000: your visa does not have to do anything with your status, visa is given to you only to enter USA.
visa to Canada: as far as i know, you can get Canadian visa either in US or any other country that has an embassy of Canada in it. if you want to go to school to Canada, you have to apply to any school you want in Canada, than if the Canadian institution approves you, they will send to you all the information and all kind of papers and so with all that you go to Canadian embassy and get visa.
p.s. by the way, what country are you from? maybe it is easy for you to go back to your country and get a new visa.
hope that helps.
good luck

18-May-2001 03:51 PM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
can i reapply as a freshman and the school would not know that I went to university previously? I am a Tanzanian citizen. Do you know of any ways i can find funding or philanthropists who would be willing to pay for my school?What do u advise me to do. What would be the best solution?

18-May-2001 07:11 PM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
I don't think there's a way for you to get back in status short of entering the country under a new identity.

As far as education is concerned you can find a college that doesn't mind enrolling illegal aliens. Colleges are not allowed to discriminate against illegals, but many of them would try to find a way not to enroll you. Community colleges would probably accept you, you may even be able to get an in-state tuition. You just won't get any of the foreign student "benefits", like OPT. Don't mention you already went to an American school or they will demand transcripts.

Does your school know your SSN? If so, you probably have a major problem with your credit history by now.

20-May-2001 04:21 AM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
Yes, I believe the school does know my social because i obtained it thru them and i worked at school my first year. Do u know of any schools, offhand, that enroll illegal aliens? Does it make that big of a difference if i go to school without a visa, meaning i will not have the foreign student benefits (what benefits!!?for that matter). Should i just get married? Will the INS deport me for that?I know i have a lot of questions, but i sincerely need answers.

22-Jun-2001 07:03 PM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
Just to let you know....if you try to re-enter, you may get in to a 3-10 years bar from entering US which has been now in practice by INS.

29-Jan-2005 02:42 AM
 Re: need urgent advice!!
Community member
Location: United States
Home Coutry:
Hi.i m trying to get in touch with a tanzanian girl by the id of Neema.....i beleive situation is very similar to hers and i wanna know what happened to her....pls rely ...Need help

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