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16-Apr-2002 08:40 PM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
I think it is safer not to use your SSN. Basically that would mean that if you get paid by some party from the USA, the party is outsourcing its work to you.

I will try to answer parts of your post. Transferring money from your country to USA is not a problem (generally). It depends on rules in your country. Bank mauy charge some fee to do the transfer. Depends on banks. Bottomline is you need not to worry about transferring money for usa in the USA.

Hope you get your economic hardship thingie. Keep us posted about that.

If INS says you have done something illegal, you, ofcourse, have a chance to defend yourself (I think). The causes you have mentioned are very much justifyable to me or any other F-1 student. But, the main task is to make INS understand that.

If everything goes bad (it would not, I hope), You should consult a good immigration lawyer. It could be the case that you will have to go back home immidietly and can come back again with new visa. So, consult a good lawyer if you have to.

Your questions are hard to answer, to be frank. Hope everything goes well for you (and I wish I could work like that to help me out with my tuition).

17-Apr-2002 05:31 PM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
is there anybody can expalin how to work at home or give me some dependable website? thank you for your help. my email is

18-Apr-2002 08:57 PM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help! Reader
Dear Computer Guru,

You have three qualities that Americans really admire.

You want to do the right thing.

You are hard working and entrepreneurial.

The U.S. government should roll out the red carpet for you!

As soon as possible, please have an initial consultation with an experienced immigration attorney, instead of relying on the advice here. You may not even be charged anything for this first contact.

A good contact in this area is Jim Pearson, Esq. 641 472-6095.

Best Regards

01-May-2002 02:59 AM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
There is nothing you should worry about. That`s your own business.
There is nothing wrong against INS.
But IRS migh want to get you taxed.
If you have to pay taxes, then you might want to contact your state secretary office, and register your business and get your personal business tax number.
Take care!

04-May-2002 12:10 AM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
When you brake the law, you are illigal , no matter who do think you are.

Those unfortunated people from Mexico work with the same level of dignity as any other human being. What make you think you are any better.

08-May-2002 12:57 PM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
I don't occupy a job opportunity of an american by working for cheap and not paying taxes, like the mexicans you are referring to. I work for myself, i am not employed for anyone. I don't have to be here in US for what i do. I can do the same job back in my country and make the same amount of money. I came here for education and entered the country totally legally as an F1 student, i didn't come looking for a job.
I am not arabic either. Get a life!

11-May-2002 07:52 AM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
can some1 send me more info about these work at home stuff? I've tried several and most of them are scam! So I was wondering what type of work @ home u guys do? becuase I really need some $$ now ...
My email is:

13-May-2002 11:39 PM
 Re: Working online on internet from home, illegal? Noone could answer this question so far, please help!
American Citizen
The message I post was for that Cat Girl Nuku Nuku orinally, but I came to realize that you ( Going Nowhere Guru ) are obiously another stupid racist ass who happen to have a wealthy parent who can affor your schooling and make you think you are better that those unfortunated people from south of border.

Everyone in US know that even buying a bottle of water you have to pay tax no matter you are a US citizen or Mexican ! In case you don't know how to do Math ,They pay just as much tax as you do.
And if not because you happed to know some HTML codes, you would be working for cheap also !

Finally , If you came here education, do what you came for and stop willingly braking the law!

I hope they (INS) catch you soon !

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