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17-Apr-2001 05:30 AM
  I -20 and reinstatement
My school sent all paperworks to INS for reinstatement. So far i have not heard from INS, i wanted to get new i 20 and travel but school does not want to give me new I 20 , because they said that i have to wait for reinstatement. Are they correct?

17-Apr-2001 11:57 AM
 Re: I -20 and reinstatement
Your school advisor is incorrect. He or she may think it's not advisable (for whatever reason) for you to travel while you have a pending reinstatement application in with INS, but the school does not have the right to try to prevent your travel or return, assuming you're otherwise in good academic standing.

Perhaps the school doesn't need your tuition money. Tell them you're on your way home, and that you'll be happy to pay for the next academic term upon your return. They can either give you the I-20, send it to you, or process your change of visa classification paper work if you decide to return in B-2 tourist status.

17-Apr-2001 03:30 PM
 Re: I -20 and reinstatement
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your help. Do you know any web site where it says in white and black, because school does not know anything and i want to show them some proof.
Thanks again.

19-Apr-2001 12:13 PM
 Re: I -20 and reinstatement
Here's a legal opinion that you could start with:!.pdf

I'll have to dig through the regs to see if I can find something more direct. Much of this is pieced together or inferred through the regulations, so any two advisors could conceivably come up with two radically different opinions. It's just strange, though, that someone thinks you can't just make the trip and come back in status. This paper addresses the issue to some extent.

More later.

19-Apr-2001 02:59 PM
 Re: I -20 and reinstatement
Bob, I appreciate your help. Thanks alot!

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