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01-Aug-2000 05:51 PM
  Out of Status... Please help
Hi guys
There is a problem.
I didn't go for school last semester(Spring). And school official says he cant sign my I-20ID for the next year of study. So I become out of status. What can I do about it?
Please help!
you can email me at

02-Aug-2000 04:20 AM
 Re: Out of Status... Please help
You didn't register (pay) for the semester or you paid for the semester and didn't attend school? In the second case you may still be in status even.

In the first case (didn't register) you can try to come up with some excuse (a good excuse - like a letter from a doctor ) and try to get reinstated in status from a new school. Some schools will try to do it for you. You are not guaranteed to get back in status.

04-Aug-2000 09:36 PM
 Re: Out of Status... Please help
I disagree with Alex. Status depends on attending school, not on paying for courses (i.e. full scholarship students do not pay for courses, but attend class and are considered in-status). Also, another rule for maintaining status is that you are making progress toward completion of a degree (something you can't do if you are not enrolled). If there is a medical reason you did not enroll, you may be exempt, but you should talk to your international advisor about that. If you want to continue to go to your current school they may be able to reinstate you. If you wish to go to another school, they may be able to reinstate you as well. The longer you wait however, the harder it will be for you to be reinstated within the U.S. (done with an I-539 application to your local INS office with your school's help). The willingness of INS offices to process reinstatements varies WIDELY from one office to another. Your DSO will know how likely your chances are (reinstatement does not depend on DSOs, but on the INS). There is always the option of travel however. Consult your DSO for advice on how to do this.

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