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17-Dec-2000 05:09 AM
  if i want to go to Canada to visit?
Like you said before, all i need is valid I-20, I-94 valid visa and signed back of the I-20 form. Everything i already have, BUT does it depends on from what country i am coming from, just because my native country needs to have a canadian visa to get in? Can they still send me back if i am coming from US side? Please reply quick. Thank you.

19-Dec-2000 03:28 AM
 Re: if i want to go to Canada to visit?
If you have an F-1 visa in your passport, even if it's expired, you just need to take the signed I-20, I-94, and passport with you. It doesn't matter what country you're from. You'll be allowed back into the U.S. with those valid documents, assuming you haven't completed your degree. This has nothing to do with your need for a Canadian entrance visa.

20-Dec-2000 05:39 AM
 Re: if i want to go to Canada to visit?
I was in Canada this summer, and needed to get Canadian visa to get in. It was very easy I just mailed in the visa application and got my passport back in a week.
The entry procedure was very easy (nothing like LAX immigration!) and when I was coming back, the immigration officer just asked me how many years I had left of studies and that was all.


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