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22-Jun-2001 06:31 AM
  How do i convince the consulate about my family tie and my home country?
Hi Guys,
I have gained admission in one of these texas colleges but the consulates are more concerned about one convincing them with their family ties, please which document will be appropriate to present to this people?please give me some tips to tell this people. And i want to know if they can refuse issuing a visa for not presenting the so called academic document they claim and all your papers are intact.

25-Jun-2001 04:19 PM
 Re: How do i convince the consulate about my family tie and my home country?
I don't know what's an academic document.

It would help if you mention which country or at least what kind of country you are from. If I assume you are from a poor country here are some documents you may consider getting:

A job offer in your field of study. A letter from a company that explains why they want you to study in the US.

Proof of finances and a copy of proof of finances you've sent to your school. Make sure they match.

Letters of support from family members, even from those who do not officially sponsor you.

Bank statements and other proof of status of your family members - only those who live in your country.

If someone from your family has been to the US and came back - bring some proof of that.

A personal letter explaining your plans. Be prepared for an interview. Explain your carrier plans. Do NOT mention plans to work in the US (even OPT) or plans to continue studies after finishing your program. Try demonstrating that you have chosen to study in the US because of the lack of skilled specialists in your field inside your country.

Unfortunately in some countries no ammount of evidence will convince the consulate; they are under instructions to limit the number of students from certain countries.

Here's some more tips for an interview, it's just an example:

By the way if you are from a wealthy country you just need good finances and some common sense.

25-Jun-2001 10:19 PM
 Re: How do i convince the consulate about my family tie and my home country?
Serge has nicely mentioned all the things u must do to get a visa. I am from a third world country. I have heard about different things a visa applicant needed when faced visa. If you are married and your spouse is staying back there, that is a PLUS point! (however your spouse will have a hard time getting a visa in F-2 catagory)

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