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19-Oct-2000 04:26 PM
  How can I get these?
I got admitted by a college in California and I am coming to Amercia in January. There're several things I am concerning:
1. Bank Account
What is the best way for me to transfer my fund? Can I carry bank drafts and open a bank account to lodge them once upon arrival? Or I should wire it before leaving my homecountry? But by both way I have to make sure I can open an account when I come. Will that be difficult since I won't get a SSN that soon? Travelors check is not a good idea because the 1.15% service charge will be too much for that amount.

2. Drivers Licence
I've learnt from your web page that it would be easier to get it in Florida, what about California? I have the international drivers licence from my country whick valids for 1 year. Will that help?

3. Credit Card
I have international credit card from my country, but I may have to close it before leaving. Will that still be helpful to me to get a credit card in States?

20-Oct-2000 12:53 AM
 Re: How can I get these?
You will be able to open a bank account, although
sometimes you will have to visit several banks
untill you find one that will do it. You don't need a
SSN to open an account. Many banks will accept
your foreign passport, I-20 and a school ID as
proof of identity. Some colleges would also give
their intl students a special letter to a bank
describing the situation. Some colleges can help
you to transfer funds, ask them. If you bring cash
with you you won't have to pay any transfer fees or

By the way, most bank accounts in the US have
monthly fees. Some banks (Citibank, for example)
can waive these fees for college students.

Your international license is good for driving in the
US. The reason you may want to get an American
licence is that it gives you an additional point of ID.
In the states I know about a foreign license will not
help you to get an American license. In NY they
even want you to surrender your foreign DL. Read
California's DMV site for details. - Looks
like they require a SSN if you want to get a license,
but you better ask them and your school's advisor -
there may be some special rules for intl students.

I would advise you to keep your international credit
card if you can. Actually your foreign card will not
help you to get an American card (they only look at
your American credit hystory). It is good to have
because it may help you to rent a car (or anything
else, really) and it may sometimes help as an
additional form of ID when you open a bank
account or get a driving licence.

Generally having a credit card kind of proves to
various institutions that you are a financially
responsible person.

20-Oct-2000 07:24 PM
 Re: How can I get these?
Thanks, serge.
1. I can not carry that amount of money in cash. That's why I am thinking of bank draft or wire the money. It's self-supported and the money will cover my four-year tuition and living expense.
2. My international drivers licence only valid for one year, therefore I need to get American D/L within that period.
3. I'm leaving my residence country and I have no relative here. How am I going to keep my credit card? No one is going to pay my monthly statement!

Any better idea?

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