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04-Jan-2002 05:58 AM
  work permit
It has been over 12 months since I obtained mu student status and I would like to apply for work authorization. I am a nursing major and I could go both ways to obtain the work permit. I could go extreme hardship since they increase the tuition every year and it is a private school or internship/externship program to gain experience. I'll be a senior in the spring semester. What do you think is my best option to get work authorization? I would loved to hear from other students who obtained work authorization from the INS.

16-Jan-2002 07:06 AM
 Re: work permit
It has been over 12 months since I obtained mu student status and I would like to apply for work authorization. I am a nursing major and I could go both ways to obtain the work permit. I could go extreme hardship since they increase the tuition every year and it is a private school or internship/externship program to gain experience. I'll be a senior in the spring semester. What do you think is my best option to get work authorization? I would loved to hear from other students who obtained work authorization from the INS.

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