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13-Feb-2001 05:15 AM
  Transferring ELS Schools
I wish to transfer to another ELS school. How many days between the old one finish and new one start do I have?

Thank you!!!!!!!

13-Feb-2001 09:04 PM
 Re: Transferring ELS Schools
It's 60 days, but be sure to consult with the advisor at the school you are transferring to.

15-Feb-2001 05:31 PM
 Re: Transferring ELS Schools
Yes, you should speak with your advisor. The INS
has been very upset with schools about telling
students that they have 60 days. I was recently
yelled at by an INS school official about this (I've
been telling students 60 days for years!)

The rule is that you have 60 days to transfer if
you've completed the program. If you haven't
completed the program, you're supposted to attend
the new school at the next available start date.

Also, if you're transferring ELS Language Centers
(a large ESL school), then they have their own
policy. You should check with your advisor.

Good Luck!

21-Feb-2001 12:01 AM
 Re: Transferring ELS Schools
Thank you both for the advice! I appreciate it.

01-Mar-2001 01:01 AM
 Re: Transferring ELS Schools
It's very interesting.

Do you think "the next available start date" could be interpreted in the student's favor? Can a student stay out of school for more than 60 days if she's waiting for the next semester to start?

Thank you.

01-Mar-2001 06:24 PM
 Re: Transferring ELS Schools
Hi Serge,

If a student has successfully completed academic
program (as stated on the I-20) and is moving to a
new program, the student is allowed to wait until
the next available start date. I don't know what the
exact interpretation is but I've always been told a
student can wait what would be an normal
academic break, typically a semester break. So
yes, it usually is in the student's favor.

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