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28-Jul-2000 05:44 AM
  more help?
Thank you for the previous answer. I have more questions: Will they investigate to find out if i have worked illegally if i were to apply for a k-1 visa(fiance) and does the marriage has to occur in 90 days. I don't know which is the best way to go, whether a k-1 visa,a visitor visa or a f-1 visa. I don't know how to prove my strong ties i have with my country, which i don't. I'm just afraid my f-1 visa will be denied due to an american sponsor. And if i do use my dad as a sponsor, would they know that i appleid for a work permit due to the reasons,my dad couldn't support me anymore?
Thank you.

28-Jul-2000 05:57 AM
 Re: more help?
If you have applied for a working permit due to the economic hardship it should not affect your chances to get a visa as long as you present a new evidence of finances (don't tell the consulate about it unless they ask, though).

I really don't know anything about K-1. Try posting to or misc.immigration.usa (use if you don't know how to use a newsreader, go to "discussions"). I think K-1 is rather easy to get, but I can be wrong. I'll try to find out.

31-Jul-2000 11:25 PM
 Re: more help?
actually a better forum would be

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