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10-Aug-2000 09:43 PM
  Graduate school on Indian Undergrad degree

I have completed 3 years of undergrad studies
in India (and got a degree for the same).
In addition, I will be completing an additional year of undergrad (transfer student)
at a US college. The reason I had to enroll as an
undergrad in the US is because the US only recognizes
a 4-year degree and not a 3 year degree.

So - all in all - I will have 4 years of undergraduate
studies - which includes a degree from a recognized
institution in India - and 1 additional year of studies
in the US. I will not have an
undergrad degree from the US college.

Is it possible for me to apply directly to Graduate
school based on these 4 years? Does this depend on
the particular college (are some colleges pickier
about this than others).

Would appreciate any help.
Thanks in advance



11-Aug-2000 03:12 AM
 Re: Graduate school on Indian Undergrad degree
Well, you can always apply. Schools have different standards, so it's hard to know who might accept your undergraduate degree from outside the U.S.

To some extent it may depend on what your major is, and whether you're applying to a public or private institution.

Find a few programs that your interested in, and start asking their admissions people some questions. If they don't give you a straight answer, don't bother with them.

22-Aug-2000 05:06 PM
 Re: Graduate school on Indian Undergrad degree

theres this site called which has some desis who answer questions like this. I know a few felow bombayites sent some questions to these experts and got some useful help.

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