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21-Jun-2002 10:08 PM
  Canada or India?
My F-1 visa expries on 08/01/2002 and I'll be travelling to my home country (India) and re-entering with a new I-20 (start a new program) a few days before my visa expires. Now I know I can safely re-enter since my F-1 is still valid, but I was thinking of getting it renewed just in case. I have two options

1. Go to Canada now and get my F-1 extended and then travel to India...but its going to cost me (Canada visa + air tickets + hotels etc)

2. Go to India and apply through the drop box...I think its failry easy to get a US visa stamped in India but I'm just worried they might doubt my intentions since I've been in Graduate school for 3 years and am starting a second Masters degree..
though I've always been in status

what do you guys think?...or shld i forget abt the new visa and hope I won't have to travel in the near future....

24-Jun-2002 06:24 PM
 Re: Canada or India?

28-Jun-2002 04:26 AM
 Re: Canada or India?
I think your chances are worse in Canada. I would say if you have rock-solid finances try to apply in India. Either way you are taking chances.

Just an opinion.

30-Jun-2002 06:07 PM
 Re: Canada or India?
I have all my expenses in my bank account here in the US. Is that good or bad? the last time I applied I had my parents sponsering me.

01-Jul-2002 11:29 PM
 Re: Canada or India?
It's bad unless you earned them legally here, like during OPT. It somewhat undermines yout ties to your home country. You may even ask your parents again so it looks like your main source of finances is outside of the US. It's just my opinion.

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