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27-Dec-2000 05:10 PM
  Travel to mexico (Urgent!!!)
I have a valid F-1 visa with D/S that runs out in May, 2001. I also have a stamp on my I-20 from the school for my planned trip abroad. Here is my delima. I've just completed my BS course requirements this sysmester, but will not be receiving the diploma until February, 2001. In November, I sent in an OPT application to the INS and other than their aknowedgement of receit I have not received the permit as of yet. I also have a Canadian residency (2yr temporary). I'm planning on a trip to Mexico from 1/1-13, 2001 and I'm concern about whether I would be permitted to return to USA. Pls HELP!!!!

29-Dec-2000 11:28 PM
 Re: Travel to mexico (Urgent!!!)
It is my understanding that F-1 students are not allowed to leave the country while waiting for their OPT application to be approved. I think I've read on the INS site that an F-1 student who has left the country before the application got approved is considered to "abandon" his application, or something like that.

Personally, I think that if your visa AND your I-20 are still valid there's no way for the INS on the border to tell that you have an OPT application pending as long as you don't mention it. However, I-20s usually expire at the time of expected graduation, so make sure yours hasn't expired yet.

I think that it is somewhat risky to go to Mexico in your situation, but you will probably be able to return. If you really don't want any surprises - don't go.

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