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15-May-2002 04:30 PM
  how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
how on earth do you get hired here with an F-1!?? it seems like most companies here(at least in the south) are not aware that F-1 students are eligible to do you convince them to hire you..i've been trying for years to get a job..i have a good GPA, some work experience and a degree in electrical engineering..whats going on!???

does anyone else have trouble with job searching?? its really difficult for me..i've been to a thousand company websites, all our school career fairs(they all seem to like me at the fairs too) and applied through several magazine postings...what the $%&^ is going on here!?? are companies scared 'cause i'm F-1??

15-May-2002 06:56 PM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
what ?
They don't hire a F1 like that dude. either you gotta have a H1 visa or you must have a valid work permit. You get optional practical tranning after you graduate ,for a year. what in the hell makes you so stupid to go ask those company to hire a F1??? you're a moron.. go read your F1 student hand book or ask you international student advisor about your status. I am shocked that people like you also exist.

15-May-2002 07:15 PM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
the only moron here is you!! where the hell are you from?? companies do hire on F-1.. i know people who
have gotten hired on F-1..companies help people get H-1 still have to get hired before you get a permit or H-1 anywway...and what about OPT???

16-May-2002 12:51 AM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
What Mr. What ? tried to tell you was to wait till you recieve your OPT work permit to start asking for job/sponsorship. Most US company will not hire F-1 student who does not posses work permit, you should have done some researches on F-1 regulations before wasting your precious time in attending Job Fairs and shooting blank. He is right about you. You are a M.....

16-May-2002 06:57 PM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
i know about the OPT thing for the last time you two f*$*$#%..i was talking about getting internships and the job search in general and i was just wondering how everyone else went about the hell are you going to wait until your permit reaches you to start a job search!?!?! that takes soo much time and searching takes so much time...

...this is a somewhat useful forum and there is no need for that type of attitude from fukkfaces like you two!!! if you don't have anything useful to say
then get the hell off of here!!!

17-May-2002 03:09 AM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
I came to a better understanding why you can't get any job offer now. It's your attitud problem ! Dude.
People like you just don't get it ! you think you need a job and people got give you a chance with or without considering your suitability.

I graduated last year and have received countless job offers ever since then (I am currently working for INTEL). Companies out there wants effectiveness in their hiring,they are not afraid of F-1 students,they are afraid of intractable Dxxkhead like you.

17-May-2002 03:19 AM
 Re: how do you get hired over here??!??!?!?
Gloria S
Althought you might have mis-spelled attitude.
Well, since you are quite succesful with finding jobs. ( Intel... Wow!) attitud or attitude shall not be a problem for you :>

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