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26-Mar-2002 02:34 PM
  Getting F1 from abroad (Singapore)
Dear All

Iam an Indian holding Indian Passport. I am working in Singapore. I got my I 20 and have all other necessary documents. Can i apply in Singapore itself?. Travel Agents say that as long i have a status in singapore (not a tourist) i can apply. Iam worried about the outcome. ALso all the websites say its better to apply in a consulate coming under your hometown jurisdiction.

Iam totally confused and scared !!!
Does anyone know about his. Please let me know immediately as i need to arrange for my visit to india in case i have to apply there.

27-Mar-2002 04:45 AM
 Re: Getting F1 from abroad (Singapore)
This is is from:

In a nutshell, it says "Applicants for student visas should generally apply at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate with jurisdiction over their place of permanent residence. Although visa applicants may apply at any U.S. consular office abroad, it may be more difficult to qualify for the visa outside the country of permanent residence."

Hope that helps you.

27-Mar-2002 01:30 PM
 Re: Getting F1 from abroad (Singapore)
Dear Introuble

thanks for your response. But what you have replied is a beaten bush. I have seen hell a lot of things like this. I wanted to know about actual case. Reality. Not Text book rules.

With regards

Anyone who has experience of applying in third country please reply to my query


27-Mar-2002 05:57 PM
 Re: Getting F1 from abroad (Singapore)
I had my ex-roommate. He was from Bangladesh, but. he applied for his visa from Kuwait (where he was working at the time). He got it without any problem.

I know another person. His country of origin is Bangladesh. He was doing MS in Japan and applied for F-1 visa (for PhD) from Japan. He got it the 2nd time (He was denied the first time because the consular though he had "enough" education already!!).

I am sure these do not help you. You will have mixed bag reaction for sure. Good luck.

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