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05-Jun-2002 06:53 AM
  Social Security Number
I am an F1 Student and I've been rejected many times by the Social Security offices when I applied for an SS Card. Anybody can give me the info where to get the Social Security Card? I am going to need this card for work !!! Help me!!!!

04-Jul-2002 07:10 AM
 Re: Social Security Number
Dude, if you get a working permit you'll get a social security as well.

Otherwise you need some kind of (well documented) excuse like you work on-campus or something like that. You would need help from your student advisor. Some students have reported that in some states (and you can apply for a SSN in a different state) you can tell SSA that you need it to get a driving licence. This won't work in NYC, definitely.

By the way could you tell us what do you mean by "rejected"? Like, they didn't let you to submit your application? Which state are you in?

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