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03-Sep-2001 04:01 AM
  Staying in Status during summer vacation
Jay Jay
I'm starting full-time study (Undergraduate) in January. Would I need to take a full-load during summer vacation to stay in status?

I know if you start in the Fall and study for 1 year (8 months) you are allowed to take the summer off, but since I'm only taking 4 months of study, I was wondering if the same rules apply.

Thank you!

04-Sep-2001 06:13 PM
 Re: Staying in Status during summer vacation
You don't have to enroll to summer classes to be in status. I am sure you are asking around about this. You should always first ask the International student advisors of your school for any questions like this one.

23-Sep-2001 04:49 AM
 Re: Staying in Status during summer vacation
No, you don't need to, unless you are in ESL (English school) or something like that. Undergraduate students in colleges can take the summer vacation like Americans.

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