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20-Jan-2002 12:38 AM
  What if i lost my I-20 ??
I've just found that i may lost my I-20 .... is that a big Problem?
Can i just ask my school to give me a new one ?
Please help me ... I am so worry right now

27-Jan-2002 06:17 PM
 Re: What if i lost my I-20 ??
Shouldn't be a problem. Go to your International Student Advisor and get a new one.

27-Jan-2002 07:07 PM
 Re: What if i lost my I-20 ??
I believe in most school they will ask for a NEW statement of finances. They also may charge you as much as $50. Plus, lost I-20 may create problems if you plan on transferring schools in the future, I think.

28-Jan-2002 11:35 AM
 Re: What if i lost my I-20 ??
Schools have different policies on this sort of thing. You might be asked for proof of financial resources, but not necessarily. I certainly wouldn't charge someone for a replacement.

As for transfers, the school should have a photocopy of your previous I-20 on file. Assuming this copy has the INS stamp on it from your initial entry in F-1 status, you should be fine for any future transfer situations, or for other applications that you might need a stamped copy for.

- a DSO

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