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24-Apr-2001 08:24 PM
  H-4 to F-1, is it useful or more trouble ? Please advice!
Hi all !!
Does anyone know if it's useful to switch from H-4 to F-1 ? How long did it take ? Any problems with such conversion ?
I am now on H-4 and doing my Master's degree. I want to switch to F-1 to make use of OPT. As far as I know, you have to hold F-1 visa for at least 9 months before applying for OPT. I am graduating in a year and H-4 to F-1 switch may take long. Does anyone on this board know if the 9 months period starts from the time you submit your application to INS, or from the time you get F-1 approved ?
And is it easy to switch back from F-1 to H-4 if a there is a need ??

I appreciate any opinions/advice. Please share what you know on the subject !!!!

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