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04-Apr-2001 04:55 PM
  CAT where did you do the reinstatement???
Please sent back your answer

05-Apr-2001 10:50 PM
 Re: CAT where did you do the reinstatement???
Your int'l. student advisor should have the address of the local INS district office that handles reinstatements for your area. Your advisor should help you with the paper work, etc.

06-Apr-2001 03:08 PM
 Re: CAT where did you do the reinstatement???
As Bob said, your advisor knows where to send reinstatement, you go to INS web side and download reinstatement form I 539, on the last page it will say a couple of adresses. or you surf INS web site and you will find adresses of INS's in USA.
hope that helps.

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