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04-Feb-2001 10:34 AM
  what should I do?
Renata Puzinina
I'm 17 and I'm from Kyrgizstan (near Russia)
I finish school this summer
I work as a young journalist on TV and in newspaper.
I want to study in USA, but I don't have a clue what I should do first and I have no money.May be there is some scholar program, or somethig else.
Is it possible that a foreign student who has just finished school can enter US college or university?
Renata. (

12-Feb-2001 09:58 PM
 Re: what should I do?
I just didn' want you to feel like we are ignoring your

While it is very easy find some american school
that would accept you as lond as you speak some
basic English, I don't think there is an easy way to
find someone to pay for your education. F-1
students are expected to pay both their tuition and
their living expenses on their own.

I know many Eastern European students who are
forced to work illegally to finance their own
education. It's really tough.

15-Feb-2001 06:01 PM
 Re: what should I do?
Serge is right, Renata. It's difficult if you don't have
money but it's not completely hopeless. There are
some things you can try.

First, go to the US Embassy in Biskek. The
embassy should have a USIA education library that
has lots of information on studying in the US and
scholarship information. You can also go to the
USIA web site at

For money, you should begin by looking for
scholarships from your ministry of education.
Other good places to look would be through any
professional organization, religious group or even
your newspaper.

It's hard but there might be something out there.

Good luck!

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