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25-Jul-2002 05:08 PM
  Should I notify my change of address to INS, DMV?
Hi, I've got two I-20s from 2 schools. I applied for California ID and DL. All these documents are filled out my previous address. Now I am moved. So should I notify my change of address to INS, DMV? Or should I notify my schools only?

25-Jul-2002 06:18 PM
 Re: Should I notify my change of address to INS, DMV?
The law requires you to inform bothe DMV and the INS.
for the DMV you can do it onlin or in person. For the INS, you need to send to them a form that can be downloaded from their website( Form AR-11).

25-Jul-2002 07:50 PM
 Re: Should I notify my change of address to INS, DMV?
Because the INS is so slow updating anything, you might consider updating your address with the INS a secondary task. But the first thing you should do is to make sure that your records are updated with whichever school you are currently attending. Then send the INS form. In my almost 10 years of being in the country, i have never sent a form to the INS about a change of address while under the F1 status. But i made sure my school had my most up to date information. Maybe i should have, but none of the F1 documents that were sent to me as a student specified i had to do that. Maybe i was just lucky?!?

As far as the DMV goes, you ought to change your address with them. you can get a citation from a cop for that. It is a $10 move that can save you a $50 ticket someday


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