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26-Feb-2001 08:58 PM
  OPT-different field?
I am doing my MS in Civil Engg.Because of my skill set I got an summer internship with a reputed software firm.
Now, I understand that an EAD is issued only if u get an internship in the same field of study.
ISO tells me that you have to be in the same field of study to get EAD.
What can I do abt this problem.
Anyone has any solutions or ideas.

Please help!!

28-Feb-2001 12:25 PM
 Re: OPT-different field?
You have to claim in your application for OPT that you'll be looking for a job within your field. Nobody follows-up to check to see whether you're working within your precise field of study. If you can justify having to flip burgers in order to pay the rent while you look for "the right job," I see no problem with that. ('Just my opinion on the matter.)

Good luck.

01-Mar-2001 12:32 AM
 Re: OPT-different field?
Legally you don't need a job offer to get an EAD for OPT. At the same time you need a cooperation of your advisor...

Check the INS site on (8CFR), search for "optional practical training", print the relevant section out and convince your advisor with it. Your job has to be related to your field of study, but you don't have to show them you have found it already. Tell your advisor you are going to find a job in your field as soon as you get an EAD.

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