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23-Jan-2001 08:11 AM
  staying is the usa after the I-20 is signed
hello! i want to come back to my country for the vacation therefore the int student officer signed my I-20, my question is how much time it is allowed to me to stay in the usa after that my I-20 is signed
thank you

24-Jan-2001 11:01 PM
 Re: staying is the usa after the I-20 is signed
I believe that it is 2 months. However, I don't think anyone's checking. When you leave you just give them you I-94 on the border, that's it.

What's important is that you have your advisor's signature "less than 6 months old at time of re-entry" on the back (page 4) of your I-20.

Am I the only person answering questions around here? Help me out, guys.

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