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13-Sep-2000 05:08 PM
  Social Secruity Application

I am a Foriegn student on F1 visa and I am getting scholarship in the PhD program. which one of the above should I check. I talked to the graduate advisor at my school and she said that I can only apply for a social security # if my mentor puts me on a grant. At my school the school pays for the first 2 yrs and then the mentor. So she told me to wait. But after looking at Ur website I think I should try to apply on my own.( I aready have a tax ID #.)
In column 3 of the SS# application form ( Citizenship)
there are 4 choices :
1. Citizen.( obviously not!)
2. Legal Alien allowed to work.(?)
3. Legal Alien not allowed to work.(?)
4. Other(?)
Which one do U think is the right one for me?
Thanks for advice.

14-Sep-2000 02:58 AM
 Re: Social Secruity Application
I think you should check "Legal Alien allowed to work." SS Administration is not in charge of your working permit. You are allowed to work in certain situations so this answer could be technically correct. If the SSA clerk disagrees he will ask you to change this column, but they usually do not care.

Whatever you whrite will not affect your chances of getting a SS#. If the clerk accepts your application you will get your SS#.

It's my personal opinion, of course.

14-Sep-2000 12:37 PM
 Re: Social Secruity Application
I also think #2 would be correct, since as an F-1 student you're allowed to work on-campus for up to 20 hours per week once you start school here.

The social security administration has been rather inconsistent in successfully processing these applications, though. They seem to lose maybe 5 or 10% of them. They also don't seem to know much about visas, I-20s, and I-94 cards. At least in my experience, if anything is unfamiliar to them, even though technically valid (like having an unstamped transfer or change of level I-20, or an expired visa, or an I-94 with the number crossed out and the original number written in - as during a re-entry), they sometimes make a federal case out of it. This is entirely frustrating, since they sometimes don't even listen to the int'l. student advisor who's assuring them that the student's situation is valid. They think they have to bother INS with this stuff, which can become a disaster if the INS official they contact (a month later) isn't paying attention, or if the social security person doesn't know how to explain the situation, and returns with a negative reply.

The Social Security Administration is the worst I've seen for that kind of garbage, but I don't think I know of anyone who's ready or willing to try to sue them over this kind of thing.

14-Sep-2000 02:13 PM
 Re: Social Secruity Application
Thanks Serge and Frank!

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