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11-Oct-2001 08:17 PM
  Student visa from outside your place of permanent residence
Hi, I am presently in Canada, on a student authorization, valid till 2005.I have got admission in a school in New York, with scholarship.My papers are all in order, and I am told by my future college in New York that I will be getting my I-20 in a couple of weeks or so.
Now before the Sept 11 attacks, I was told by the US Consulate here(in Canada) that although I am from South Asia, and here on Student Visa , I can still apply for my Student visa to US from here, and I do not have to go back to South Asia for this purpose.However, I would appreciate your feedback on what their course of action might be after the Attacks on WTC.
Secondly,ALTHOUGH I am maintaining my student status in Canada, but am not in the University that I was suppossed to be in....due to excessive tuition costs.I am studying the same subjects in a community school, at a much reduced cost.But accordng to Canadian regulations, this is like breaching the Immigration Law(I suppose)Will this effect my visa application in any way, and would you advise me to go back to my own country to apply for my Student visa to US?

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