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28-Aug-2000 06:21 PM
  Canadian in California with I-20, not F-1

I came into the states as a visitor (no visa required, etc) a few months ago. I then decided to apply for school here. I've been accepted, been issued my I-20, registered for school and paid my 1st semester's fees.

If I don't cross the border until October (after I've attended school for a month), will I have a difficult time being accepted into the US and given an F-1?

I'm planning on flying back to Toronto during the Canadian thanksgiving for a few days and then flying back. Will I have more difficulty at an airport as opposed to border crossing with an car?

Any and all help/responses are appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

29-Aug-2000 03:25 AM
 Re: Canadian in California with I-20, not F-1
Ask your Int'l. Student Advisor if he or she will re-issue the I-20 with a future initial start date (item #5 on the document.) You could use either the week after your break when you'll be returning, or the start of the next academic term (a case could be made in favor of either...) The alternative would be to show up at the boarder in Oct. with an expired date in item #5, which could be unnecessarily confusing to some of these boarder people.

You may otherwise want to ask your Int'l. Student Advisor to sign a letter that explains your situation, or better yet, have your acceptance letter with you as well. If the acceptance letter doesn't stipulate a specific start date, or if it leaves your acceptance open for a stretch of time, that would be even more helpful. (If your Int'l. Student Advisor is any good, they'll do what they can to make sure you head off with whatever letters or documents you need. Get together with the person to see what they'll do for you.)

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