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26-Jan-2002 01:00 AM
  Help! Getting Visa stamped from Canada
I had come to the us on a tourist visa and had gotten it converted to " F1 Status ".
Now if I go to canada to get it stamped and if I am rejected will I still be allowed to enter back into the US?
Any response would be greatly appreciated.

27-Jan-2002 06:10 PM
 Re: Help! Getting Visa stamped from Canada
As long as your student advisor signs your I-20 on the back you can go to Canada for up to 30 days and return without an American visa stamp. Now, if you apply for a visa and don't get it there is a chance INS won't let you back in. In most cases they won't pay attention but if you are not lucky they may stop you. You can still argue your case - get your student advisor's phone number and have proof of finances with you.

INS has a right to decide who gets into the country and the fact that your visa was rejected (if they notice it) may be interpreted against you. Actually they can stop you even if you have a visa.

The advisor in our school is sure you will be able to get back but I know of advisors who think exactly the opposite.

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