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17-Jun-2001 07:37 PM
  Ticket: 1-way or 2-way...?
I've got an F-1 visa. Can I buy a one way only air ticket to the United States?
Does it create any problems when you land i.e. INS?

18-Jun-2001 02:20 PM
 Re: Ticket: 1-way or 2-way...?
You don't need a return ticket unless you are coming for a short-term program. You do need to have some proof of finances with you in case INS asks.

18-Jun-2001 06:54 PM
 Re: Ticket: 1-way or 2-way...?
I suppose a two-year AS degree is not a short-term course. And why do I have to show finances to INS... doesn't that end at the U.S. Embassy?

20-Jun-2001 10:55 PM
 Re: Ticket: 1-way or 2-way...?
Unfortunately it doesn't end. INS has a right not to let you in even if you have a visa. It doesn't happen very often, especially if you are from a wealthy country.

In your case a one-way ticket should be OK.

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