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27-Oct-2000 08:13 AM
  What kind of ticket
Babak Mozaffari
Hi everyone,

I think I have just joined your crew. I am the Iranian who asked about where to apply for a visa a while ago. Well, I applied in Switzerland and was told that I should go back to get my visa stamped in 30 days (routine security check for Iranians).

Anyway, though I will have lots of questions later, I have one main question now:

Do I need a 2-way ticket? Because I think tickets are valid for a maximum of 1 year, and that doesn't make sense...

I'd appreciate your answers, and any other possible suggestions on what I should keep in mind in my first days of arrival and at the POE.

Sincerely, Babak

28-Oct-2000 07:39 PM
 Re: What kind of ticket
What kind of visa did you get?

If it's an F-1 I think you don't need a return ticket (unless you are coming to attend a short-term programm). If you're on a tourist visa it's strongly recommended to have a return ticket. Your visa does not guarantee that INS will let you into the US. Most of the time people don't have any problems with INS on the border, but if you are not lucky they may want to see proof that you will go back to your country and that you have enough money.

A return ticket can help you to convince INS that you will go back to your country. In case you are planning to stay longer than one year and do not want to use your return ticket make sure to buy a ticket you can later return for a refund.

Bring some proof of finance with you in case INS asks on the border.

Could you please give us more details on how Iranians should apply for a visa. Can you apply in any American consulate in the world?

This is my personal opinion. If I'm wrong I hope someone will correct me.

28-Oct-2000 08:04 PM
 Re: What kind of ticket
Babak Mozaffari
Dear Serge,

Thank you for your response, but I just want to make sure on one thing again. At first you said one wouldn't need a return ticket for graduate study (my case) since it takes longer than one year, but then you added that if I think it might take longer than one year I should get a refundable ticket. Do you mean if my visa is for less than a year and I want to stay longer? If so, that's not my case. My visa would allow me up to 3 years, and that's the most I need.

Iranians can apply for nonimmigrant visas anywhere in the world, but if they apply in a country other than say Turkey, Dubai and Pakistan, they'd have to explain why they've chose a farther country. Visiting relatives or being there on business would be among acceptable reasons.

For immigrant visas, Iranians must choose between Ankara, Dubai, Vienna and Naples (Istanbul used to be a choice, but the immigrant office is now closed).

All student visa applicants must wait 30 days for a security check to be sent to the State Dept., as must other male visa applicants. I have never heard of a denial of visa in that stage (I'm in the process) for normal people (i.e., I urge terrorists and assassins to consult a good lawyer!). I would really like more info on this however, and if anyone can tell me whether there is a chance of denial for someone like me who's never done anything illegal.

Well, that's all I can tell. I'd appreciate hearing more from others. About financial documents in the airport: I'll have the affidavit and bank letter I sent to my school, and I'll also bring money of my own. I'll bring a total of around 20'000, but I was planning to only carry around 3 to 4 thousand on me and wire transfer the rest later. Would you suggest otherwise?

For non-immigrant intent, I took some documents to the consulate but they never asked for any, and I never showed any. They include a letter from my employer and my assets in Iran, do you think they would do? Can the airport be as bad as some consulate experiences are (mine was great)? What would you suggest? This doesn't make sense, I'm selling my car and getting ready to move around the globe for 2 to 3 years, and I might be sent back in the airport?!!


01-Nov-2000 09:46 PM
 Re: What kind of ticket
I think you are well prepared.

Most people don't have any problems at the airport. However, INS can still check your documents and not let you in if they feel like it. That's why it's good to have all your papers with you. I think you have all the right papers. You don't have to carry too much cash, just have a bank statement in case they ask.

INS is a different agency from the State Department (consulates) and once you come to the USA you are at their mercy. They can deny you entry even if you have a visa and on rare occasions they can even let people without visas in (it happened to a friend of mine). In a way a lot of things depend on a clerk that handles your case.

I don't think you need a return ticket but I would like someone to confirm this.

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