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International Students Online

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15-Apr-2002 07:04 AM
I am going to transfer to another University next semester. In the summer, I will go back to my own country. I need to get a new visa with my new I-20. F-1 visa is pretty hard to get in my country. My question is: what is their policy for the transfer case. I hope they will not reject me, and let my finish my education. !

16-Apr-2002 03:59 PM
 Re: Transfer!
Generally they don't do it if you have in legal status. You, however, mentioned that it was difficult to get visa from your country. So it is better to be said than sorry, and not go outside USA before finishing study.

10-Jun-2002 10:09 PM
 Re: Transfer!
or, you can apply for third country visa.

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