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25-Jun-2001 06:53 PM
  Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
daniel aluta
I am from africa and i have gained admission in a two year college in California,however, after i have filed all my document and waitin' in the queue for mine turn at the embassy, a friend who also happen to choose the same two year college was denied the visa with all document up to date.The consulates said they don't issue visas for two-year colleges.I quickly came home to make necessary inquiries.
Please is there any way i can enter the US with other than this I-20 because i don't want to miss this Fall admissions PLEASE advice me now b/4 my deadline on this I-20 expires.My sponser may also change his mind. Thanks.

25-Jun-2001 08:09 PM
 Re: Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
hi ..INS rules vary from case to case .
sometimes they give visa to students applying for
two years colleges , sometimes they totally depends on immigration officer in the USA embassy.
secondly , you have another option , if u can get B2 tourist visa and come to california . You can apply for
change of status from B2 to F1 visa .but it take time .
best of luck .

26-Jun-2001 02:33 AM
 Re: Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Guys could you mention which country you are talking about, so others could get the warning in advance?

I'm afraid that they (the Consulate, not INS) wouldn't give you a B-2 if you already applied for F-1. But in theory that could be an option. INS (you deal with them inside the US) doesn't really mind 2 year colleges.

You could try getting into an ESL course at a 4-year college and tell them you are planning to study there. I'm not sure it's going to work, ESL are even less respected than colleges... And you have already submitted your documents, I don't think you can change anything.

Maybe try finding a 4 year college and tell the Consulate you will definitely transfer there and you only go to a 2-year school to save money. Perhaps if you tell them the details of your "plan" they will be more flexible.

26-Jun-2001 06:42 AM
 Re: Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
daniel aluta
Am from Ghana in west africa i havent summited my documents yet at the consulate.How does This B-2 visa works? Any website i can visit for more information?
Thank you.

27-Jun-2001 12:00 AM
 Re: Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't delay your visa interview. Go there and have your Interview today, if your friend was denied it does NOT mean that you get similar response, every case is looked-upon differently by the Visa Counselor. So try your luck now. (Personally I feel that there is nothing wrong with two-year colleges, if you can explain why u chose one, i.e. like time constraints etc. I have a F-1 with a Community College I-20!)

I won't recommend applying for a B-2. Because if you get refused for that one then it would be hard to convince a Counselor when u apply for an F-1 the next time. Here's some info for the B-2 anyway, (visit the site)

27-Jun-2001 09:19 AM
 Re: Help needed promptly PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you nEo for that motivation i will go quickly and try my luck.Which country were you from anyway?

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