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03-Oct-2001 06:37 PM
  F1 student and working
Can any one tell me if it is possible for a high school student here on an f1 student visa to legally have a job. Last year he was an exchange student, this year he is here on an F1 visa and would like to have a job. Is this possible??

04-Oct-2001 05:17 PM
 Re: F1 student and working
One place he can work for is his school. He's allowed to work for up to 20 hours per week while school is in session and full time on vacation. To work for his school he doesn't need an INS permission.

Otherwise the only way to work legally is to apply to INS for a temporary working permit based on unexpected economic hardship. He would have to prove to INS that the financial conditions of his sponsor have unexpectedly deteriorated due to surcomstances beyound his control - like natural desasters, medical expences, severe currency fluctuations. This type of work requires an INS permit (valid for one year) and is also limited to part-time while school is in session.

I am a bit uncertain if there are any restriction on high school kids as compared to college students, but I don't think there are.

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