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05-Jun-2002 07:08 PM
  Feds Want to Fingerprint Foreigners!
F1 student
The Bush administration wants to photograph, fingerprint and get detailed information from thousands more foreign visitors to the United States, according to law enforcement officials. Officials who described the plan Tuesday on condition of not being identified by name said the Justice Department would expand the reach of an already existing law to keep better track of tourists, business travelers, students and temporary workers considered possible security threats.

What do you think ?

08-Jun-2002 06:36 PM
 Re: Feds Want to Fingerprint Foreigners!
i think its much better. taking fingerprints and photographs will make INS, FBI and other agencies more secure. and thats what we want. and thats what we want, if they are secure its good for everyone. unless or untill you have some "other" plans!

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