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17-Oct-2000 03:47 PM
  people,who can answer?
Hi,guys!I know we all are the smartest people of our countries,but there are such things in the US that I can't catch.May be one of you will be able to help me to find out what is the point of such site as say that you can earn $ here just for signing in.Guys,as for me it's a B.S.because there is nothing free here-everything is done by purpose,but I wonder how they are earning their money?
And a piece of advise for those who are going to leave their personal information everywhere on the Web-guys never do such mistake if you don't want to be spammed or be at the list of direct sales company.Thanks.I'll appreciate if someone answer my question.
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

20-Oct-2000 03:39 PM
 Re: people,who can answer?
for me it seems to be complete b.s. as well, because i can't get where the logic's supposed to be in such things. i don't trust those guys, neither would recommend to you (they continue clogging my hotmail box with all this stuff though i don't even use it), thanks they almost don't pay attention to my yahoo mail box.
i can't answer your question but i understand and support you.
masha, penn-2
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

20-Oct-2000 03:48 PM
 Re: people,who can answer?
Appreciate it.We are right:but how to persuade others?
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

21-Oct-2000 01:14 AM
 Re: people,who can answer?

ya ne bachuv site pro yakuy kazav Alik.... no sho ya vam skajju according to my own experience...

some time ago.... the was boom on such stuff.... and people really made money on this (ya v tom chisle:-)))
smusl vsego etogo: vu chitaete ili delaete vidimost' togo shto chitatete reklamu... reklamnaya kontora s reklamodatelya za eto snimet kapustu i delitsya s vami....
no proshlo vremya i reklamodateli smeknuli shto den'gi tratyatsya vpustuyu...... i ot cheteniya etoy reklamu netu nikakih profaj.... k tomu je te kto poumnee popridumuvali vsyakih fishek shtobu nichego ne chitat' a pointu nakruchivat' (i ya tak delal:-)))...

poetomu etot biznes zatuhaet... esli echo ne zatuh...
no pervu deystvitel'no neploho zarabatuvali...

moy sovet - Bud'te sredi pervuh! nu i ne zabud'te nam raskazat':-))))

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

21-Oct-2000 01:34 AM
 Re: people,who can answer?
I've never seen any good point in any of these sweepstakes (or whatever). Just to check it out, I signed up for some of them, but later only realized that I made a mistake as my maibox was flooding with all sorts of... let's say nonsense. So I just dumped them, put a filter on it.

OK, take care, guys. And don't trust those... ok, find a word for it

[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

22-Oct-2000 06:44 PM
 Re: people,who can answer?
Oh,vzhe zey meni EXPERIENCED Andruha!Garnyy hlopche,garno pozyasnyv,tozh spasybi tobi velyke!:-)
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

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