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26-Sep-2000 09:20 PM
  Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Now that I have everyone's attention I want to say that you guys are not as cool as the people from shall we say Penn. Penn is better. You are passive and you don't give a fuck. You never go to the chat room because you don't give a shit about other students. That is bad. I am not bothered by that but you have to change the attitude.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

26-Sep-2000 10:10 PM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
What the heck you want, you who calls yourself rus. IS that your affair? is that your directory? You get out and freak out somewhere else. Can't stand this
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

27-Sep-2000 12:39 AM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Ne budu vyrazhat'sya po-anglijski. Skazhu po-russki: kakogo cherta neponyatno kto naponyatno v chem nas obvinyaet? Ya hochu lichno svyazat'sya s etim mal'chikom s zamechatel'nym imenem, sostoyashim iz treh bukv. Malo togo, chto on rasskazyvaet vsem gor'kuyu pravdu o Yerkine, tak on eshe i k nam polez. Rodimyj, zajmis'-ka ty luchshe delom. Vot bylo by neploho, esli by Yerkin paru desyatkov svoih chasov po community service tebe odolzhil.Tishe bud' na chuzhyh directoriyah! Po-moemu, ya vse skazala.
V odnom soglashus': PASSIVNYE! Rebyata, ya vse pytayus' vas raskochegarit' svoimi pis'mami, a vy vse nikak. Tol'ko primer s menya brat' ne nado, a to ya sama uzhe skoro v pomoshi nuzhdat'sya budu. Idejka na schet trepa on-line mezhdu 9 i 10 p.m. menya na 100% vdohnovila.

[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

27-Sep-2000 12:40 AM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Ne budu vyrazhat'sya po-anglijski. Skazhu po-russki: kakogo cherta neponyatno kto naponyatno v chem nas obvinyaet? Ya hochu lichno svyazat'sya s etim mal'chikom s zamechatel'nym imenem, sostoyashim iz treh bukv. Malo togo, chto on rasskazyvaet vsem gor'kuyu pravdu o Yerkine, tak on eshe i k nam polez. Rodimyj, zajmis'-ka ty luchshe delom. Vot bylo by neploho, esli by Yerkin paru desyatkov svoih chasov po community service tebe odolzhil.Tishe bud' na chuzhyh directoriyah! Po-moemu, ya vse skazala.
V odnom soglashus': PASSIVNYE! Rebyata, ya vse pytayus' vas raskochegarit' svoimi pis'mami, a vy vse nikak. Tol'ko primer s menya brat' ne nado, a to ya sama uzhe skoro v pomoshi nuzhdat'sya budu. Idejka na schet trepa on-line mezhdu 9 i 10 p.m. menya na 100% vdohnovila.

[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

28-Sep-2000 08:14 AM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Dear Universtiy of South Alabama Students!

Sorry to enter YOUR directory univited (created by the coolest UPenn1
student - Neo-Andrey), I do not want to offend any of you.
I was just wondering, are you really glad to have left Alabama and separate form the
other students you met there, and you do not care to keep in contact with them?
Have you not befriended?
Maybe it was a short time, but UPenn1 students have made new and strong friendships,
and it is really COOL that they chat and post messages, and share their experience form their universities.
Maybe Rus (Ruslan) entered YOUR directory uninvited (I am uninvited too),
but he is absolutelly right. Unlike you, we do care about other student's life in USA.
You ought at least post a message sometimes to tell others that you are alive.
To send e-mails is great, Irisha, but how many people can you correspond with?
I can only write personal e-mails to 5 people, on the condition that they do not write
me all at the same time - if I wrote personal e-mails to all the people I know, I would spend days, and would not be able to reply to all of them.
But if you post a message on the portal, at least 50 people may see it and share your
experience. That is why this portal was created.
I wish it was not true that you do not give a ***, but that is just what it looks like
from the distance. Maybe you should chat sometimes - if you have something to say to
each other, or just to see how others are doing. It does not take you that much time,
but it is a very rewarding experience! Especially the common chat!

Rus, I really appreciate that you care about portal, and about chat. I entirely agree
with you that we should chat, showing that we care about each other.

P.S. Maybe you have noticed that I emphasised a lot YOUR portal.
Everyone is free to enter wherever he/she wants and post anything he/she wants, obeying some rules, of course (ask Neo about details .
I would like to add that any of you is welcome to join UPenn1 chat, if there is no one
chatting from your group. We would be glad to meet you and get to know you.

With the best wishes,
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

28-Sep-2000 05:28 PM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Dear aliens:

this all sounds extremely good and caring. You are like mom for us all trying to make us write to each other. In fact, we do. Irishka has been constantly sending everyone messages about her life including personal peculiarities (which is extremely funny =). I am working on a project for our alabama group.

You shouldn't have been so radical. Rus, you first must learn how to be polite, at least this will provide the same politeness towards you. Aren't we from the same city, man?

Dornabella, thank you for your peacekeeping efforts. This is very touchy. You know what? After you posted those messages 'Alabama sucks' our group actually started moving and posting something to the portal in responce to your attacks.

Anyway, I feel thankful, really. Hope we will meet each other in person in Washington. That's why we mustn't fight.

Life is beautiful Vasya
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

28-Sep-2000 10:56 PM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
I am really ashamed for not writing to the portal and also with not keeping in touch with you, Dorinka, and I agree that portal was created for our communication. But still... I agree also with vas_ya that calling Alabama sucks was pretty offensive for us. I love our Alabama group! But you, guys, should take into consideration that the time managing is quite a problem here. Or maybe it is a culture shock?))
See you, guys.

P.S. By the way, whenever I enter the chat - it is empty
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

29-Sep-2000 10:35 PM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
WOOOW!!! What a touching (not TOUCHY ! vas_ya take a note) discussion! I am really astonished.

Rus seems to have become a big-time trigger: he boosted our (UPenn II) posting activity, and now has put his hand on your forum, resurrecting it ))))))))

Just take a look at those nice LONG postings, not that two-sentence quick replies found elsewhere, but rather huge essays, each one worth being given the biggest prize in creative writing. That cheers up and inspires a great deal!

No doubt, whatever the place of orientation was (Alabama, UPenn, Drexel, Delaware, anywhere) we all are FRIENDS! We are from the SAME COUNTRY, no matter what objections you may state against.

This portal has become a meeting point for all of us: who seeks help, who feels homesick, who misses friends, who just wants to chat, even anyone not related to FSA can come and have a good conversation with us. Once again BIG THANKS TO NEO!!! (he must be having huck-ups now Just imagine what would we do without this portal... undescribable.

Alabama students (if you will) are not that inactive after all, just compare them to us (UPenn II). But the deal is not in outnumbering each other, stop competing. What this portal is all about is staying in touch with those whom you remember and maybe meeting those whom you don't know yet. I was extremely glad to meet couple of students from UPenn I, Alabama and Drexel in chat, those whom I didn't know at all before, but it turned out that we really have much in common, much to share and discuss. I feel really great about it, although my classes are getting worse because of it. I just can't magine one thing: what would happen to this portal and our interaction after the end of our year, after we all get home?..

Well, heh, looks like I also got in this mood of creative writing )))) Let me be the next one in line for the prize.

Thanks for sparing your precious time on my tiny essay, I really apreciate it.

Yerkin (originally - UPenn II, now - citizen of the world).

PS - For Elinka:
Whereever you are, the best time to chat is some time in the evening, beginning from 8pm till 1am or even more. However people occasionally get there at random time. Looking forward to chating with you.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

30-Sep-2000 03:13 AM
 Re: Alabama is a poor state. It sucks.
Yerkin, your timely response touched me deep down in my heart. I actually cried. I am not lying. I felt so overwhelmed and touched that tears started started falling down my face. I could not sleep that whole night. Yerkin you write so well. I am thankful to you Yerik.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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