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05-Sep-2000 06:44 PM
  To Pace University
Nadia [guest] from
Privet, Pace!
Kak doehali? Nadeyus' s priklyucheniyami?!
Vasya! Kak dela? Ty uzhe ne grustish? Mne tebya ochen' ne hvataet, you are a very nice person, really.
Iscandar!(ili vsyo taki Monika?), tebe privet ot Coopera/Klintona.
Jami! Imei sovest', napishi sestre hot' paru strok, ona obizhaetsya.
V Alabame bez peremen: zhara i zhratva, kak vsegda. A eschyo, we all are really missing you!
Alabama guys.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

05-Sep-2000 07:40 PM
 Re: To Pace University
Hi everybody, how do you do? (it's especially for Olia) We, the last of the Mogicans that are still staying here miss yo'all very much. What about you, do you miss us.The problem with the chat is that we don't have Internet Explorer here as you should remember and Netscape Navigator doesn't give the possibility to chat here,So just wait a bit and write here about your new impressions. Here it's all the same, but very boring without you all. Even the lunch at Brenda yesterday wasn't a succes after our meeting on Sunday.Hope that you are better but realy Alabama-sick. As for me I'm sure I won't be Alabama-sick in 2 weeks when I leave it.I'll be just happy to get to a new place, it's awful here without you.write us we ned your support.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 07:09 am
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