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01-Nov-2000 07:26 PM
  Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Toarischi UPennevtsy 2, otstayom. Gde zhe vasha initsiativa "Dogonim i peregonim...", chto zhe vy vse tak srazu otstupili. Ne zdavaytes', my pobedim...
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

01-Nov-2000 09:15 PM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Hey, Roxi, a kak tam u vas Fire-Alarm? Vse ok?
Nadeyus', chto hot' chto-nibud' sgorelo, a to po sebe znayu, kak obidno kogda mnogo shuma, a na dele opyat' lozhnaya trevoga
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

01-Nov-2000 10:49 PM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Privet Yerik,
Vchera vpervye fire alarm zazvenel ne sovsem "fake". Nu v kakoy to stepeni... Bolee real'no chem vo vsekh ostal'nykh sluchayakh. No sgoret' vsyo ravno nichego ne sgorelo. Pobezhali (t.e. v 4 chasa nochi nikto uzhe ne byl v sostoyanii bezhat', popolzli...) my na ulitsu, a tam dozhd'. Nu niche, odno uspakaivaet, my byli ne odni, v Tamarack Halle tozhe byl fire alarm, da eschyo i fake )), tak chto ne tak obidno kak bylo by esli by alarm byl tol'ko v nashem halle.
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

03-Nov-2000 01:47 AM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Ia znau kto v Oak hall vse vremia delaet etu gnusnuu shtuku pod nazvaniem Fire-alarm!Eto komsaid!:-))Nu nichego,kogda amerikanzcy predlozhat nagradu po bol'she chem $1,000,to my ee i zdadim:-)Ne budet bol'she komsaid narushat' nash mirnyi son:-)Komsaid,iadumau chto nam ostalos' ne dolgo zhdat',amerikanzcam tozhe ne nravit'sia kogda ix mirnyi son narushaut!Skoro oni predlozhat $2,000 i togda ty poedesh domoi,a my ostanemsia naslazhdat'sia tishinoi amerikanskoi nochi:-))))))))
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

03-Nov-2000 03:00 AM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Vobsche to mne togda ne do fire alarm bylo!!!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

05-Nov-2000 07:18 PM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Hey,komsaid,I respect you a lot,but I really don't like when someone calls me "tovarishch".If you please, next time to use more polite names,like "ladies and gentlemen":-)))
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

05-Nov-2000 08:53 PM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Aria, that was message for those who consider themselves my friends, and that doesn't mean that they are not ladies and gentlemen. It is just that I can say ladies and gentlemen even to those I don't know, but that was something for friends. For those who think they can't be called "tovarischi" it is not necessary to think that they are also refered to in the message.

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

05-Nov-2000 11:16 PM
 Re: Otstayom tovarischi!!!
Actually, you have few chances to catch up with Upenn1, but you are the second on the list, this is not too bad. Maybe if every one of Upenn2 will start posting worthless messages with no content, trying to get quantity, and ignoring the quality you have the chance.

I like to read Upenn2 posts because they are interesting - so many stories here...

Have fun!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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