Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
01-Dec-2000 11:36 PM
 What a CRAP!!!!!!!
Hey, what a fuck is going on in this crappy message board? Who is that smart asshole, who secured the damn portal with those dorky passwords, and registrations!! Timur, an old fart, ml'a, tvoih ruk delo??? Sho ty hern'oy zanimayeshs's???


Hows everyone doing? The weather is cheezy here, it sux! I hate this damn rain!
How was Thanksgivng? Het Nana, who are you? I think I might know you, and the name is so familiar. Where are you staying now? I like the idea of getting together someday during Xmas!! Come on freaks, lets move our asses!!!!! LET VOTE WHERE WE WILL MEET (but not in Godforgotten Texas :-)))
OK, check out this message boad sometimes, hope someone would join me.
Taras z Indiany :-)
[Brat 3: Drexel University I]

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