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15-Feb-2002 07:39 PM
  Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
HI to all lovers!!!!!!!!!!!! I came here a little late but with a noble goal in my heart.... I came here to say that I LOVE YOU ALL and not only because it is a holiday, but because you all are great people and I hope that love can bring us together some time. Maybe I sound sentimental and weird but.... I am drowning in an ocean of happiness and hope to share it with everyone!!! This place became quiet...let's make some noise!!!
I hope you all had someone to kiss on Feb. 14th, and I do hope you were brave enough to do it!!! ))
Good luck to all those who are still seeking and trying to find the ONE )
And again.... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!
My best wishes and kisses.....
Hope to hear from you some time....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

20-Feb-2002 08:03 AM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Zukerka jan,
it's a little bit late to reply, but still, I wanna say I love you too, I miss you very much. I wish you would write to me a few lines, at least. I am going to send you a CD, the one I promised you and Olesya, as soon as I get my salary. OK?
Love ya all guys, but it's too quiet
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

01-Mar-2002 08:20 AM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hey girls!
I love you too. ) Ira, tu chego ne pishesh? Ya zhe zhdy...
Alinka, spasibo za CD, no mne mozhna i prosto audio-tape. Moj CD palyer slomalsya i mne ne na chem slyshat vse moi cd...(
Vot i vse. Do vstrechi)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

01-Mar-2002 12:54 PM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Kak zhyzn? A pochemu ty mena ne lubish?? ;) Ili u vas eto takaya lubov, "mezhdu nami devochkamu"
Papa, Taras.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2002 12:20 PM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hey Taras! Let's see pochemy ya tebya ne liybliy...
1)ne otvechaesh na pisma/
2)ne zaehal v gosti kogda bul ( a bul li?) v Ukraine/
3) da, eto y nas mezhdy nami devochkami, mu Bi-bi-bi...
Love all of you
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2002 02:17 PM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Nice answer Oles' jan
Obyazatel'no poshlyu tebe tape. A Irka kuda propala to?
Love ya
PS. Taras jan, eto mejdu nami devochkami
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

05-Mar-2002 04:33 PM
 Re: Happy St. Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Nu vot, skoro muzhchiny voobshe ne nuzhny budut predstavitelnicam zhenskogo pola ;) i povymirayemn my vse strashnoy smertyu. A ya choto i ne znal chto u nas stolko bi-bi-bi
TAke care gals,
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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