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14-Apr-2001 10:52 PM
  radi boga
rebiata spasibo na shiot critiki pro moi website, nadeyus vam eto ponravilsia, no ia ghochu skazat', shto etot web bil sozdan 12 letnim parnem, ia sam nichevo ne smisliu v websit agh, dlia meni tol'ko word i internet znakomie mesta, moya spezalizatsia politologia...tak shto ia bi vobshe ne mog sozdat' takie veshi...prosto ia tseniu etot web prosto iz za tavo, shto eto podarok mne ot moevo kuzena, on v piatom klasse seichas'...anyways, mozhet bit' eto i ne klasnaya rabota, no dlia menia, kak yerQin skazal, eto ne bullshit....spasibo
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Apr-2001 01:13 AM
 Re: radi boga
glavnoe - informatsionnaya nakachka, a ona u vas est'.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Apr-2001 02:22 AM
 Re: radi boga
v etom dele vozvrast ne imeet nikakogo znacheniya...
ya v proshlom godu zanimalsya repetitorstvom s odnim parnishkoy, emu bulo 15 let.... vse krichal shto hochet but' programistom... ya ego vse podkaluval...
a sechas on pishet i pokazuvaet takie rabotu shto ya prosto figeyu! stopudovo on uje luche menya delaet!
I vhodit v 3 samuh luchih designerov kakih ya znayu... a znayu ya ih oy kak mnogo...
tak shto 12 let.. ili 30... it's just a matter of userdia i jelaniya

Vspomnil interesnuy sluchay:
kakto sprosili samogo luchego gitarista v mire (sorry, imya zabul) kak emu udalos' stat' priznaum samum luchem v mire?
On govorit, no problems, 3 chasa praktiki kajduy den' igru na gitare v techenii 20 let i vu i sami ne zametite kak vas priznayut samum luchim gitaristom mira..

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Apr-2001 04:34 PM
 Re: radi boga
thanks for the words, and I liked Neo's story. You're right man, just the practice makes people the best...thanks,
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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