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05-Oct-2000 07:21 AM
  Rus, honey, what`s up?
Rus, chego ty tak parishsya naschet Alabamy? Posmotri "Forrest Gump" i uspokoisya, tam tebe vsyo ob`yasnyat. Pro zhizn` voobzhe i pro Alabamu v chastnosti. I zachem eschyo o chem to sporit`?
Tak chto, take care and the best wishes from "the greatest state of Alabama"!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

05-Oct-2000 08:23 AM
 Re: Rus, honey, what`s up?
As my mom always says, life is like a box of chocolate - you never know whatcha gonna get, but when you get you eat it all... [ This message was edited by: EPKIH on: 10-5-2000 08:22 ]
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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The time now is: Tue Sep 01:09 pm
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