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28-Oct-2000 08:47 PM
  Nu ti Nadia daesh!!!

Ex Nadia...

Ne bilab ti shenshinoy ...yab tebe pokazal kto
takoy tolstiy i naxalniy bryunet gruzinskoy
nacionalnostiy!!! Toze mne...

[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

29-Oct-2000 08:22 PM
 Re: Nu ti Nadia daesh!!!
Prosti, Davido!
Ne dumala, chto ty tak blizko vosprimesh moi slova k serdzu i budesh obizhat'sya. No prosto deistvitel'no, kogda ya videla tebya v poslednii raz ty byl poundov na 20 men'she.Ty zhe ne snanesh etogo otrizat'?
Zeluyu, Nadia.
[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

29-Oct-2000 10:51 PM
 Re: Nu ti Nadia daesh!!!

Privet Nadia!

vse normalno,take it easy!


[Brat 3: University of South Alabama I]

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