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01-Apr-2001 10:26 PM
  To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Dear FSA Undergraduate Students,

The American Councils of International Education, as a small present for spring and recognition of those striving to excellence, has decided to make changes in the policies of the organization as follows.
At the course of the year many students have expressed their interest in continuing and completing their undergraduate education in the institutions of higher education of the USA. However, as all of you know, the Two-Year Home Residency Requirement prevents their presence in the US after the completion of the FSA Undergraduate program, regardless of the aim of such presence.

It was brought up to our attention, that although students, and their home countries in general, benefit from this program, the impact could be deepened if students had an opportunity to complete their education in the USA, given that the American education in most
of the fields of study is considerably developed here.
Therefore, all the students, who have a B+ Grade Point Average for both semesters, will have the opportunity to waive their Two-Year Home Residency Requirement and apply to the university or college of their choice.

A letter from ACTR, confirming the policy change, will soon be sent out to all those eligible.

FSA Ugrad.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Apr-2001 01:58 AM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya toje dumal shto eto ktoto putaetsya nas rezvesti na pervoe aprelya.....

no est' ochen' prostoy sposob..... ya poshel na website actr i deystvitelno u nih tam eto est'!!!!!!!!!!!

proverte sami!

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Apr-2001 03:55 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
I don't get it people...
Did we all grow up so fast, that we can't even laugh on jokes? )) After I read this one, I called home and told my mom that I had just married someone ) She believed me ) I wonder if anyone at all enjoyed the day that was supposed to be fun. Or are we all just too bitter about all our problems.....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Apr-2001 06:06 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
Nu narod, sho by kak ne s SNG!!! Da vozmite posmeytesa, ved horoshyi zhe joke poluchilsa!!! ;-))
I v samyuyu tochku, ved na shoto takoye ved v raznyh stepenah nadeyalisa. A vy nachinayete ehh ;-)
Neo, esho raz skazhu, you are the man, 5 balov. ;-)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Apr-2001 10:12 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
spasibo Taras))) ocenil)))
eto echo niche)) a v proshlom godu ya vozle dekanata vuvesil spiski studentov kotorue isklyuchatuysta)))) s oficialnumi pechatyami i podpisyu rektora))))

lyublyu shutit')) i tut na rabote toje nad vsem shutil))) no oni bustro uchatsya) i kogdato mne klavu smazali kakimto jirom))) eto nao bulo videt' menya togda) vobchem bulo veselo))) esli shutka horoshaya daje esli ona nado mnoy to ya smeyus' vmeste s temi kto ee delal))

a shutka eto poluchilas' dumayu neplohaya)) esli bu echo ne podportili ee nemnogo)) no eto ya sam vinovat..... I didn't want to bother myself.... ne dumal shto ktoto uznaet misisipkiy IP i dal ego...
no ya kogdato tak simitiroval))) shto tam povelis' ne tolko lameru)) potom daje ya eto v inete v gazetah videl pro eto) daje stremno stalo shto takoy shum podnyalsya))

ladno shutite gospoda)) no ne slue shutki!

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

02-Apr-2001 11:03 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!
NEO, BIG "+"!!!
Vyglyadelo pravdivo, azh dazhe Rus v shtany naklal ))

Pravda my ne takie tupye lyudi kak aprikoty, vidno s hodu. Vidal odin sait, oni sdelali vid budto ih hacknuli - tozhe prikol'no bylo, no tozhe srazu mozhno vykupit'.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

03-Apr-2001 11:59 PM
 Re: To All FSA Undergraduate Students!

[ This message was edited by: Nana on: 4-2-2001 15:00 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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