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06-Mar-2001 04:46 AM
  Nurbeku, Tarasu i vsem Armyanam!
The CIS Statistics Committee has published its report, which contains some noteworthy information about the economic development trends of the CIS countries. According to the report, Armenia has been announced the leader in the growth of industrial production among the Southern Caucasus countries, based on the January data. Compared to January 2000, the volume of industrial production in Armenia in January 2001 increased by 16.5 percent. According to the Mediamax news agency, the biggest industrial growth - 45 percent - has been recorded in Kyrgyzstan. Armenia is in the third place, preceded by the Ukraine, where the industrial growth was 19.5 percent. For comparison, the industrial growth in Russia and Azerbaijan compared to January 2000 was about 5.5 percent, while in Belarus - less than 4 percent. According to the report, the situation is much worse in Georgia, where the industrial production decreased by 10.5 percent.

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 3-6-2001 05:45 ]
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Mar-2001 12:41 AM
 Re: Nurbeku, Tarasu i vsem Armyanam!
Remember, chasing the numbers and figures is a dead thing. "Vypolnim i perevypolnim pyatiletku."

Anyways, congrats to y'all on your gold, silver, and bronze medals on chase-the-wabbit game. Wish yo luck in it.

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Mar-2001 12:49 AM
 Re: Nurbeku, Tarasu i vsem Armyanam!
I know you are right ((
Nu day poradovatsa xot' nad chislami (
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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