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04-Nov-2000 11:49 PM
Hey, guys
I haven't been in touch with almost all of you since we left Delaware
That is so awful from my side but i do really remember ya'll and i do miss that time
I am in Georgia now, and i feel like i've picked up their terrible accent......
Halloween was awesome
We had such a lot of fun
But my fall break was better
i went to Savannah and i spent a night in the hotel just 5 metres from the ocean, so i had the opportunity to meet the sunrise...
Isn't that awesome???
now it is such a crazy stuff going in my college
This week and the next one are known as pledge weeks, when everybody pledges to sorority (girls) or to fraternity (guys)
During these weeks new freshmen members are to do a bunch of crazy stuff in the cafeteria!!1
like yesterday it was a military day for boys , they had to dress up like military men
and their costumes were real!!!
there were all kinds of army representatives like Security, Navy, etc
even Secrete Service appeared))
oh no, sorry that was the day before
yesterday they were pirates
it was SO FUN
and today they are gone for retreat so it is a kind of boring in the cafeteria
and the girls who are pledging Ep Sig (Epsilon Sigma)
are to wear only green color
as the simbol of this sorority is Irish color
it is fun

ok, i got to go to study for my American Government test
(200 pages + 30 terrible definitions)
I miss ya'll
Hope to see you again in Washington
P.S. Neo(Andrey iz Khm) hey, I've lost your phone number, so if you write me an e-m with it i'll call you
I need to talk to you
or call me
Bye , everybody have a tremendous weekend
Love ya'll
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Nov-2000 08:01 AM
Are you in GA too? Nice! Where exactly? Post a reply, get in touch. I am in Atlanta, maybe you can come visit us here.


PS: Don't worry about your accent - it's good.
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Nov-2000 06:41 PM
i'm in Rome
it's about 1 hour drive from Atl , north-western direction
i visit Atlanta pretty often
that would be cool to meet ya'll, guys
my phone number is 706 233 7760
hope to hear from you soon
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

06-Nov-2000 08:41 PM
There are two of us here in Atlanta. We study at Emory University. My phone #: (404) 251-1946. Call us sometime if you plan to go to Atlanta again (or send an email,

[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

07-Nov-2000 01:08 AM
ok, i'll call ya tonight around 12:00 if that is all right with you
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

28-Nov-2000 01:21 AM
Click here to see that there is a very strange person with a VERY STRANGE name. You will be surprised
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

29-Nov-2000 12:13 AM
Konechno yerkin, konechno...
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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