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12-Nov-2000 09:23 PM
  News from Frat Life!!!!!!!!!!
Hello, everyone!!!!!

Eh, guys, the finals are quite far yet, where did you all get lost? Ok, I know some of you could ask the same question to me, but lately I haven't been doing very well. A couple of weeks ago I was having my GREAT DEPRESSION!! I was terribly homesick, didn't come out of my room but at nights, and only to walk around campus, to clear my mind. I fell behind some homework and was catching up this whole week. Don't say I'm annoying you with my problems, please! Because, I'm sure some of you are going through this and don't have the courage to say that out loud. I do! And I can even tell you what to do to overcome that! Wanna know????
There's a magic word for it.... FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!
Yep, good ol' friends... Ararat and Gayane were the first who found out and pulled me out of this. And I am greately thankful to them. Now I'm back to my usual life and even at a faster pace than usual.
Right now I am working on the pledge project of my pledge class. Somehow I found myself at the head of the whole pledge class leading all 12 of us to successful initiation, LOOOOL! Yep, we're gonna paint the NYC skyline on the wall of the laundry room in the Alpha-Delt house. Ain't it cool?
Oooh, I almost forgot what I wanted to tell all of you.. Thursday I had a hell of a night!!!!!!!!!!
One of our frats- Theta Psi-U had an even going on....
They were making their pledges STRIP!!!!!!!!!!!
Da, da, vi ne oslishalis'. I said strip....
Considering that I always thought that Psi-U guys are the most gorgeous on our campus.... you can imagine alllllll the ffffffffuuuuuunnn that I had.....
As a second thought, it was also satisfying because all across the world girls strip for money, it was amazingly satisfying to see girls put money in the underwear of guys. I think this should happen more often!!!!!!!! llllllloooool
Ok. whatever. back to homework. I'm soo fed up with this privatization. I have an 8 page paper to write and I am still on the bottom of the fourth one.
What are you guys doing for the Thanksgiving? I'm going to Chicago. And I'm even skipping 2 days of the classes to have about 10 days with my Host Family that I lived with during my previous exchange in 1996.
Uff, I gotta go. Miss ya all, please be active!!!
With lots of hugs and kisses to all of my buddies from DE.
xoxoxox Alina from Armenia
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

15-Nov-2000 05:38 AM
 Re: News from Frat Life!!!!!!!!!!
OK, looks like I am gonna be the one who responds
first. But I think you don't mind that I am not
Delawarian. Your life is cool and colorful.
Homesickness?.. Maybe lots of us are at the downmost
point of the dreaded W-curve...

And your frat life seems to be real fun! Keep it up!
I wish I could see your pictures of all those events.
Hey! Why don't you post your album online and let us gaze at it. You can see all our albums (too many
pictures to see it all in once) in the "PHOTOS!!!"
message in UPenn1 forum.

Have fun!
Yerkin from Kazakhstan
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

30-Nov-2000 06:53 PM
 Re: News from Frat Life!!!!!!!!!!
You know what, Yerkin, I probably will, very soon.
Whenever I'm done with initiation, I will make an
online album and you can all look at it. OK?
Meanwhile I have to go. My fellow pledges are
waiting for me, because we have to do the project I
wrote in the other topic I posted today. Talk to you
soon, sometime in the chat probably.
See ya!
Alincho from Armenia
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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