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09-Oct-2000 03:50 PM
 Re: NOCH' KOROCHE DNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's my personal understanding: Aria - 'povnyi pidkos pid oryginalnyi rossiyskyi rok 80-x'. Briefly, it's not that quality of rock to adore... Possibly, its not that what we call now a rock. They better upgrade a bit...

[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

10-Oct-2000 04:19 PM
 Re: NOCH' KOROCHE DNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rostik,a ty sam-to Ariu xot' raz slushal?"Podkos pod original'nyi rok...",xa-xa-xa!Da s Ariee vyroslo uzhe ne odno pokolenie(pervyi al'bom u nix datiruet'sia 1985 godom),a pesni kotorye oni peli togda ia ochen' somnevaus' chto u tebia by xvatilo smelosti ispolnit'!!
Rostik,esli ne znaesh temy,to luchshe skromno promolchi(soidesh za umnogo),a tak ty tol'ko pokazal chto v nastoiashei muzyke ty nichego ne ponimaesh!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

11-Oct-2000 04:29 PM
 Re: NOCH' KOROCHE DNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, man! I really didn't want to begin this discussion... I seemed to descibe my opinion on that stuff. But I found your words to be EXTEREMELY FOAMY and the way you express ideas, excuse me, looks like from bold guys in sport costumes from Kyiv streets ( I mean -"gop'y"!
To your knowledge, Aria really followed many and is not worth considering even because of it. Just, recall "Zoopark" 70-x and "Akwarium" from 1976 till your loving 1985. Besides, you may or may not know Peter Mamonov in early 1980-s. These guys deserve to be respected being original and different. What "Aria" did was just trying to making the music heavier to make themselves distinct from others, as they lacked original style. That's obviuos, that they gained heavy style, but didn't gain in essence. They haven't even reached the level of named above. If you are even an ordinary man ( not a sophisticated connoseur of rock music as you try to show off yourself), you will catch that easily, comparing them. So think about it!
Good-bye, my friend!
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

11-Oct-2000 07:39 PM
 Re: NOCH' KOROCHE DNYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ia mozhet i vyrazhau svoi mysli dostatochno grubo,no delau ia eto tol'ko s temi ludmi,do kotoryx ia somnevaus' chto doidet po drugomu.Ty menia obviniaesh v grubosti,no tvoe personal understanding Arii mne tozhe pokazalos' ochen' grubym.O vkusax ne sporiat,no pozhalusta,v sleduushii raz ostav' svoe personal understanding(ne vazhno o chem)pri sebe,osobenno esli vidish chto im nikto i ne interesovalsia!Esli xochesh nastoiashei grubosti,to zaidi na site Arii i skazhi chto eto ploxaia gruppa(somnevaus' chto ty proderzhishsia v chate xot' 10 minut:-))
[Brat3: University of Pennsylvania II]

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