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27-Feb-2001 12:44 AM
  Nu gde je vi devchonki, devchonki, devchonki???
Uje yasno chto ya provela weekend pod Ruki Vverx i vsyo takoe???
No seryozno, gde vi devchata?? Gayush jan, Oles jan, kuda propali???
Pishite kak vi proveli weekendi? Ya uje napisla!
PS. sorry if my message is too vague. I don't think all the alcohol that I consumed during last two days is out of my system yet. ) (pyanaya ulibka)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

27-Feb-2001 04:15 AM
 Re: Nu gde je vi devchonki, devchonki, devchonki???
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited by the federal LAW. Hehehe ;-) tak sho smotri tam
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

27-Feb-2001 03:17 PM
 Re: Nu gde je vi devchonki, devchonki, devchonki???
Taras, a eto shto bylo? Pyany potseluy???he-he;)))
(O sebe molchu)
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

27-Feb-2001 03:58 PM
 Re: Nu gde je vi devchonki, devchonki, devchonki???
nichego osobennogo ya ne pila, vodku, a potom pivo. I ya voobshe ne byla pyana, eto prosto tipichnaya Alina making a big noise of everything...
Vidish kak zapugal svoim Federal Law )))
A pro potseluyu molchu.....
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

27-Feb-2001 06:39 PM
 Re: Nu gde je vi devchonki, devchonki, devchonki???
Ya uzhe ne mogu etogo breaka dozhdatsa!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: Delaware University I]

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